Since 2003, we have predicted the Second Coming of the Great Depression first for 2007, and then, when in 2007 the real thing was still limited to the beginning of the Real Estate Bubble burst, for 2008. Now, everyone can see it. We are in the middle of it. Living in the beginning of the deflationary period that will precede Hyper-Inflation. However, not everyone yet truly believes in the Second Coming, and almost no one has the faintest clue about what to do to prepare for when thr smelly thing truly hits the fan. Convincing the late comer, exploring the True Faith (in the Second Coming) and giving anyone who cares at least an idea of what to do in the coming years, and of the possible timing of the developments to expect, this is what we intend to do here.
Plus, it's a lot more entertaining for us to make public predictions. This is a blog, it's dated, and anyone in the world can see it. If we told you we predicted the dot-com burst to the month, and so on, you'd have to take our word for it. But what we tell here is dated and recorded for posterity.
Unfortunately, when in October 2008, we predicted the Dow Jones Index would crumble to 10,000 before the 2008 U.S. presidential election, and to 8,000 within 3 weeks thereafter, even if we could actually prove it through sworn testimony, it will never be as remarkable as it would have been if we had predicted it here. But we finally got it, and aren't going to do such things anymore. From now on, these predictions will be public. Best proof of it, right now, in public, right here, on Friday November 21, 2008, we tell you that the Dow Jones should be in the 6,000s by early December 2008, and very possibly in the 5,000s (or less) by the end of the year. In fact, according to Gann Charts, the next real point of resistance should be around 6,300. How long that will last is of course quite questionable...
Of course such predictions are contingent upon many possible events none of us has any control over, such as, for example,the actions of the "Powers-That-Be". So, this will be true, unless, of course, the so-called "Plunge Protection Team" continues to work very, very hard, and perhaps harder than they ever did. If they do, it might take a bit longer to see these levels But even if they continue their play, how long can it last anyway?
Economies are not really like cars. One can't restart them just by turning the key. And even if one could, one might not want turning that key anyway, if it meant that one would place oneself at a risk of losing one's control over the System at large, or even just over some of the key mechanisms allowing to control the whole System.
When one willfully destroys the entire economy of the whole world (which was the predictable effect of manipulating oil prices to reach the "Sacred $150" level, which has been a long term goal of the "Powers-That-Be" one sooner or later finally will end getting what one is asking for: In this case, Global Economic Collapse. [About this specific issue, if you are unfamiliar with it, or need some convincing, why not see what insider Pastor Lindsey Williams has to say about it. Just make a search on Google or even better, for "Lindsey Williams oil"].
Sure, with all the foreclosing this whole spiel has allowed, allows and will allow, a wonderful (albeit obviously not wonderful for everyone) global transfer of ownership is going to happen for pennies on the dollar on a grand scale as never seen before. That is, if you have the dollars, meaning, if you can print them, literally print them, or otherwise can generate them like the System allows the Happy Few to do on an ongoing basis -- if you wish to understand what is alluded to here, why not make a search on Google or even better, , for "Money as Debt".
Fundamentally, the System still works the same than it worked during the first Great Depression, so there is a lot to learn by revisiting it. We will.
However, there are three major exceptions to this rule, exceptions poised to make a big difference this time:
One, last time, there was still *real* money in circulation, in form of silver coin with face values of 10, 25, 50cents, and a dollar. These coins no more exist. The only real money left is whatever metal is in small coins, and that's not much (however, you can safely bet that someday not too far away, a copper-plated zinc cent will be worth a paper dollar or more. And this is even more true for nickels and quarters, which, after all, are made out of cupro-nickel or nickel, valuable metals.). What this means in practice is that last time, there was a natural limit to the manipulations paper-money and bank-money could be subjected to. This time, there are absolutely none.
Second, last time, there were no "derivatives", and therefore, there was no "derivative bubble". If you think that a $11 Trillion "National debt" is something (the real number is more like $60 Trillion, but that's not even an issue), then please consider the $1.something QUADRILLION in financial "derivatives"... Now, a quadrillion, that's a thousand trillion. And trillions are a thousand billion. Which themselves are a thousand million. Just to remind you what these numbers means -- LOTS of "money". Many time the value of everything in existence in the whole world, at least at the current "exchange rate" between these (actually essentially completely worthless) paper dollars and *real* goods and services. In other words, when this derivative bubble bursts, THEN we are going to see what real fireworks look like...
Plus, it's a lot more entertaining for us to make public predictions. This is a blog, it's dated, and anyone in the world can see it. If we told you we predicted the dot-com burst to the month, and so on, you'd have to take our word for it. But what we tell here is dated and recorded for posterity.
Unfortunately, when in October 2008, we predicted the Dow Jones Index would crumble to 10,000 before the 2008 U.S. presidential election, and to 8,000 within 3 weeks thereafter, even if we could actually prove it through sworn testimony, it will never be as remarkable as it would have been if we had predicted it here. But we finally got it, and aren't going to do such things anymore. From now on, these predictions will be public. Best proof of it, right now, in public, right here, on Friday November 21, 2008, we tell you that the Dow Jones should be in the 6,000s by early December 2008, and very possibly in the 5,000s (or less) by the end of the year. In fact, according to Gann Charts, the next real point of resistance should be around 6,300. How long that will last is of course quite questionable...
Of course such predictions are contingent upon many possible events none of us has any control over, such as, for example,the actions of the "Powers-That-Be". So, this will be true, unless, of course, the so-called "Plunge Protection Team" continues to work very, very hard, and perhaps harder than they ever did. If they do, it might take a bit longer to see these levels But even if they continue their play, how long can it last anyway?
Economies are not really like cars. One can't restart them just by turning the key. And even if one could, one might not want turning that key anyway, if it meant that one would place oneself at a risk of losing one's control over the System at large, or even just over some of the key mechanisms allowing to control the whole System.
When one willfully destroys the entire economy of the whole world (which was the predictable effect of manipulating oil prices to reach the "Sacred $150" level, which has been a long term goal of the "Powers-That-Be" one sooner or later finally will end getting what one is asking for: In this case, Global Economic Collapse. [About this specific issue, if you are unfamiliar with it, or need some convincing, why not see what insider Pastor Lindsey Williams has to say about it. Just make a search on Google or even better, for "Lindsey Williams oil"].
Sure, with all the foreclosing this whole spiel has allowed, allows and will allow, a wonderful (albeit obviously not wonderful for everyone) global transfer of ownership is going to happen for pennies on the dollar on a grand scale as never seen before. That is, if you have the dollars, meaning, if you can print them, literally print them, or otherwise can generate them like the System allows the Happy Few to do on an ongoing basis -- if you wish to understand what is alluded to here, why not make a search on Google or even better, , for "Money as Debt".
Fundamentally, the System still works the same than it worked during the first Great Depression, so there is a lot to learn by revisiting it. We will.
However, there are three major exceptions to this rule, exceptions poised to make a big difference this time:
One, last time, there was still *real* money in circulation, in form of silver coin with face values of 10, 25, 50cents, and a dollar. These coins no more exist. The only real money left is whatever metal is in small coins, and that's not much (however, you can safely bet that someday not too far away, a copper-plated zinc cent will be worth a paper dollar or more. And this is even more true for nickels and quarters, which, after all, are made out of cupro-nickel or nickel, valuable metals.). What this means in practice is that last time, there was a natural limit to the manipulations paper-money and bank-money could be subjected to. This time, there are absolutely none.
Second, last time, there were no "derivatives", and therefore, there was no "derivative bubble". If you think that a $11 Trillion "National debt" is something (the real number is more like $60 Trillion, but that's not even an issue), then please consider the $1.something QUADRILLION in financial "derivatives"... Now, a quadrillion, that's a thousand trillion. And trillions are a thousand billion. Which themselves are a thousand million. Just to remind you what these numbers means -- LOTS of "money". Many time the value of everything in existence in the whole world, at least at the current "exchange rate" between these (actually essentially completely worthless) paper dollars and *real* goods and services. In other words, when this derivative bubble bursts, THEN we are going to see what real fireworks look like...
Third and finally, and perhaps most importantly, last time, during the First Coming of the Crisis, people had only access to very limited information, which was relatively easy to control, and could only communicate in a very limited way: Namely, with the people they knew and could talk to directly, or through the (very expensive long distance) phone system. This is no more true today. Today, any information anyone comes across can be spread in a matter of seconds on the Internet. This truly has already changed the rules of the game, and will continue to do so even more.
For example, spreading certain "forbidden" information which only 20 years ago could have meant for anyone foolish enough to do so meeting an early demise in some "unfortunate accident", can today often be done completely safely. And what is revealed is then talked about or discussed by tens or hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions. Put something on youtube about the latest case of corruption in City Hall, assuming the information is true, and see what happens. Remember the Rodney King case, at a time when very few had even conceived that something like youtube would ever exist. Imagine what that video would do today!
What all this means is quite momentous, and in many different ways.
What all this means is quite momentous, and in many different ways.
For example, and this is just one example among many more possible, the buying off and shelving or otherwise "making disappear" information about what people usually call "free energy" sources or devices is fundamentally no more possible. Meaning that sooner or later, and probably much sooner than most people could ever imagine, human inventiveness is going to translate into the mass availability of environmentally-friendly decentralized very -low-cost energy sources. Making coal-firing plants and even more so nuclear mastodonts completely obsolete. To say nothing about Big Oil.
If you still have any doubts about that, why not visit a web site called ? There, you can learn about devices *you* can build or have built for you right now, and which could very positively impact your energy balance. And this is just the beginning.
All this is of course good news for the many, but rather unfortunate news for the interests that currently profit from us still living in the XIXth Century as far as energy generation and consumption is concerned.
So, let's be clear on that right away, the end of the world as we know it, which is definitely what the Second Coming of the Great Depression means, and what the oncoming Crisis is going to bring to us all between now and 2012 or so, does not mean the end of just everything. In fact, there is hope on the horizon.
But this does not mean that there aren't quite a few years ahead that aren't going to be quite difficult for most people. For perhaps half a decade, or even more, we are going to suffer, as a society, as communities and families, and each of us individually. And this certainly does not mean that there is nothing for you to do to prepare for the worst while there still is a short amount of time when you can do so.
To begin with, if you do nothing now when there is still a window of opportunity to prepare for the worst, you may simply not be around anymore when the time comes when things will start to get better again. And the same is true for your family, your friends, everyone you know. Think of it!
Take the Crisis seriously, because if you don't, the Crisis might very well take care of you. Very seriously. Perhaps even once for all.
It could get as serious as that.
How to prepare for this and survive the rocky times ahead, and perhaps even thrive during them, is what the present blog is about.
So, stay tuned, as what will unravel in the coming months and years will definitely impact you. Whether you want it, or not!
It is definitely the end of a world. Be sure of that! But it's not necessarily the end of the world.
At least not for you.
At least not if you keep informed, and act upon that information!
All this is of course good news for the many, but rather unfortunate news for the interests that currently profit from us still living in the XIXth Century as far as energy generation and consumption is concerned.
So, let's be clear on that right away, the end of the world as we know it, which is definitely what the Second Coming of the Great Depression means, and what the oncoming Crisis is going to bring to us all between now and 2012 or so, does not mean the end of just everything. In fact, there is hope on the horizon.
But this does not mean that there aren't quite a few years ahead that aren't going to be quite difficult for most people. For perhaps half a decade, or even more, we are going to suffer, as a society, as communities and families, and each of us individually. And this certainly does not mean that there is nothing for you to do to prepare for the worst while there still is a short amount of time when you can do so.
To begin with, if you do nothing now when there is still a window of opportunity to prepare for the worst, you may simply not be around anymore when the time comes when things will start to get better again. And the same is true for your family, your friends, everyone you know. Think of it!
Take the Crisis seriously, because if you don't, the Crisis might very well take care of you. Very seriously. Perhaps even once for all.
It could get as serious as that.
How to prepare for this and survive the rocky times ahead, and perhaps even thrive during them, is what the present blog is about.
So, stay tuned, as what will unravel in the coming months and years will definitely impact you. Whether you want it, or not!
It is definitely the end of a world. Be sure of that! But it's not necessarily the end of the world.
At least not for you.
At least not if you keep informed, and act upon that information!
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